We need your help to end forced unionism in Montana

About Montana Citizens for Right to Work

Montana Citizens for Right to Work is a grassroots citizen action network of Montanans dedicated to the proposition that no worker should be forced to join a union or pay union dues just to keep a job.

Why Right to Work?

Today, 21,000 Montana workers forced to pay union dues or fees — or be fired. We believe this is not right and should not be allowed.

Additionally, Right to Work states saw over two times more job growth and dramatically higher cost of living-adjusted income. So why are Montanas still being forced into a union?

After all, Montana taxpayers bear the brunt of forced unionism in many forms. These include fewer jobs, higher taxes, and worse public services. This could easily be changed.

Taking Action

We believe in ending forced unionism in all its forms by passing a state Right to Work law and ending union-only monopoly bargaining.

But what does that mean? A Right to Work law guarantees that no person can be compelled, as a condition of employment, to join or not to join, nor to pay dues to a labor union. Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act affirms the right of states to enact Right to Work laws.

This would end union-only monopoly bargaining, and ban union-only “project labor agreements.”

As a result, we could build a better economy and create more job options for Montanans while providing more freedoms and rights than forced-unionism.

To that end, our priority is to inform and educate Right to Work supporters and the public about the forced-unionism issue and to empower those same people to urge their elected officials and candidates to support Right to Work.

Montana Citizens for Right to Work is a branch of the Western States Right to Work Committee and works closely with the National Right to Work Committee and other Right to Work supporters to end forced unionism.

If you would like to learn more about National Right to Work policies such as what it is and how it works, check out the NRTW’s FAQ Page.

We look forward to having you with us as we strive to build a better economy and workplace for all by ending forced unionism.

Make Montana a Right To Work state for now and for everyone’s future.

Your Help is Essential! Support Montana Citizens for Right to Work!